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    中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅近日在同美国国务卿鲁比欧通电话时说了一句:「希望你好自为之」。为了让鲁比欧更好理解这句话,中国外交部官网发布通信稿译为「I hope you will act accordingly」引发热议。事实上,2024年以来,外交部还贡献了许多中国俗语、成语、热词的「神翻译」,让不少网友表示,「学到了」、「拿本来学」。


    今年1月23日,中国外交部发言人毛宁在回应美方宣布退出「巴黎协定」时表示:气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战,没有一个国家能够置身事外,也没有一个国家能够独善其身。独善其身的英译为: No country can opt out or stay unaffected.


    1月22日,毛宁在回答菲律宾称逮捕了「中国间谍」相关问题时说,中国政府敦促菲方以事实为依据,停止捕风捉影、炒作所谓「中国间谍」。停止捕风捉影英译为:stop shadow-chasing.


    1月15日,中国外交部发言人郭嘉昆回应美方将37家中国实体列入「维吾尔强迫劳动预防法实体清单」时说,所谓的「强迫劳动」完全是无稽之谈。英译为:The so-called forced labor accusation is completely unfounded.



    英译为:To maintain its supremacy, the US chooses to split the world into tiers, granting access to countries that are “close” and barring access to ”the rest. ”The real purpose is to deprive developing countries, including China, of the right to make their own progress in science and development.


    1月10日,针对中国人偏肺病毒(HMPV)感染病例增多,网上出现「中国出现不明病毒」等论调,郭嘉昆强调,人偏肺病毒(HMPV)是引发上呼吸道感染的常见病毒。把常见病毒渲染为「不明病毒」,这违背科学常识,是危言耸听。英译为:Calling this common virus “unknown” is inconsistent with basic science and essentially fear-mongering.



    英译为:We are truly glad that as one of China’s most celebrated mythology novels, Journey to the West—four centuries after it was written—is now digitally transformed into a stunning video game and taking the world by storm.



    英译为: This is a typical move of “thief-crying-stop-thief” and can hardly convince the world.



    英译为:“Taiwan independence” is as incompatible with cross-Strait peace as fire with water, and provocations by “Taiwan independence” forces will be responded with countermeasures.



    英译为:Though the US claims that it does not target China, the first topic of the summit is about China and China was made an issue throughout the event。 The US is lying through its teeth and even the US media does not believe it.



    英译为:The Philippines needs to have a clear understanding of the real intention of the US, respond to the common concerns of regional countries, avoid acting as the cat’s paw for the US at the expense of its own security interest, and quickly pull out the missile system as publicly pledged.



    英译为:Is the report a genuine reflection on US historic crimes? Or is it just a perfunctory reaction to pressure? There seems to be a continued disconnect between what the US says and what it does.



    We noted the media coverage. Based on US logic, US subsidies are “investment in critical industries,” whereas other countries’ subsidies are seen as “worrying unfair competition”; US exports with comparative advantage constitute “free trade,” whereas other countries’ exports with comparative advantage are signs of “overcapacity.” There’s a Chinese saying for that logic, “The magistrate allows himself to set fire but bans everyone else from lighting candles.” Or, to use a US expression, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

