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    做马铃薯泥不用水煮? 厨师说这样做才绵密又丝滑


    一名厨师拍影片介绍如何才能做出最丝滑绵密的「马铃薯泥」,秘密在于要用牛奶替代水来煮马铃薯,并在煮完后直接一起压成泥拌匀。她也指出,把用来煮马铃薯的水倒掉是错误关键。拍影片的厨师萝斯玛莉(音译,Rosemary Gill)是波士顿牛奶街烹饪学校的教学主任,她常在Tik Tok平台上教大家如何烹饪各样的疗愈食物。


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    @177milkstreet Simmer your mashed potatoes in milk, not water! Potatoes are like pasta, in that they leach starches into their cooking liquid. In the case of pasta, you want to reserve some of that liquid to give sauce a luscious shine and bind it to the noodles. In mashed potatoes, cooking in milk, and preserving that starchy liquid, gives your potatoes a natural creaminess and allows you to skip the weighty heavy cream. #MilkStreetCookingSchool director Rosie Gill demonstrates. #milkstreet #milkstreetrecipes #milkstreetsides #sidesrecipes #thanksgiving #thanksgivingrecipes #potatoes #potatorecipes #mashedpotatoes #mashedpotatorecipes #vegetables #milkstreetrecipes #holiday #holidayrecipes #food #cooking #easyrecipes

    ♬ original sound – Milk Street

